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Tree Farmer Alert  
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Over 800 readers and growing!
Be confident that what you do in your forest
will improve it's health and sustainability for future generations.
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What's in your Woods?


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Tree rings tell stories of the past, assist planning for the future

By T. S. Last / Albuquerque Journal Staff Writer


"Margolis grabs one sample and explains what can be learned from that nearly perfectly round piece of ponderosa pine found at Chaco Canyon. It tells part of the story of the ancient pueblo people who lived in that part of northwest New Mexico for several centuries before a 50-year drought, beginning about 1130, apparently caused them to abandon the area.

'They built their houses with wood, just like we do today,' he says, showing the sample of what was once a ceiling beam. 'So we can tell that this was cut in 1045 … and maybe they added a room in 1052.'"

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Colorado Forest Health Report Highlights Mountain, Urban Concerns

contributed by
Ryan Lockwood
Public and Media Relations Coordinator
Colorado State Forest Service

The 2015 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests, distributed by the Colorado State Forest Service at the annual Joint Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee Hearing at the State Capitol, details forest health challenges and solutions around the state. The theme of this year’s report is “15 Years of Change,” featuring a broad look at the decade-and-a-half the CSFS has produced these reports on the state of Colorado’s forests, as well as an overview of the most current issues.

Read the report


Healthy Forests
Healthy Communities

contributed by Bill Gherardi, Consulting Forester

After 20 years of Washington politicians merely kicking the can down the road we believe it's time to address the underlying crisis facing the health of our rural communities and forests.

As Washington D.C. ends direct payments to timber-dependent counties, our county governments are struggling to provide basic services.  Many counties have been forced to make deep cuts and some are even considering bankruptcy.

Meanwhile, our unmanaged federal forests are highly vulnerable to wildfire, insects and disease.  Without Congressional action, we could lose much of our forests for future generations.

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Beetle-kill zones surprisingly rich in biodiversity

By Jonathan Romeo Herald staff writer

The drive over Wolf Creek Pass, scarred by the spruce beetle outbreak, can elicit strong emotions in the nature lover. Several logging sales may be on the way, but new research suggests ravaged trees can create an ecologically vital habitat worth saving.

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We're your neighbors just down .the road, behind the green and white Tree Farm signs and we care about what's happening in our forests.

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